The Ninth Conference of the Asia-Pacific Association of Theoretical and Computational Chemists (APATCC 2019) にて、招待講演(4件)とポスター発表(7件)を行いました

The Ninth Conference of the Asia-Pacific Association of Theoretical and Computational Chemists (APATCC 2019)において、当研究室関連の発表が11件ありました。

日程:2019年9月30日(月)~ 10月3日(木)
場所:Sydney, Australia


  • ○Hiromi Nakai, “How Can Artificial Intelligence Help Quantum Chemists?”, invited talk.
  • ○Yasuhiro Ikabata, Takuro Nudejima, Junji Seino, Takeshi Yoshikawa, Hiromi Nakai, “Machine-learned electron correlation model for accurate reproduction of correlation energy at the basis-set limit”, IC065/Invited Communication, 10/3 12:10-12:20.
  • ○A. W. Sakti,C.-P. Chou and H. Nakai, “Density-Functional Tight-Binding Metadynamics Study of Oxy-Carbon Diffusion on (100)-γ-Al2O3 Surface”, Invited Communication.
  • ○Junichi Ono, Chika Okada, Yoshifumi Nishimura, Hiromi Nakai, “Large-scale quantum-mechanical molecular dynamics simulations for the long-distance proton transfer in bacteriorhodopsin”, IC027/Invited Communication, 10/01 17:10-17:20.


  • ○Junji Seino, Ryo Kageyama, Mikito Fujinami, Yasuhiro Ikabata, Hiromi Nakai, “Semi-local machine-learned kinetic energy density functional for orbital-free density functional theory”, poster.
  • ○Takeshi Yoshikawa, Toshiki Doi, Hiromi Nakai, “Linear-scaling divide-and-conquer finite-temperature self-consistent field for static correlation systems”, poster.
  • ○C.-P. Chou, A. W. Sakti and H. Nakai, “Recent Development of Automatized Density-Functional Tight-Binding Parameterization for Metal-Containing Systems”, poster.
  • ○Mikito Fujinami, Hiroki Maekawara, Junji Seino, Hiromi Nakai, “Machine learning study for optimization of reaction conditions including discrete variables with small number of experiments”, poster.
  • ○Hiroki Uratani, Chien-Pin Chou, Hiromi Nakai, “Large-scale quantum-mechanical molecular dynamics simulations of polaron formation process in a lead halide perovskite material using divide-and-conquer type density-functional tight-binding method”, poster.
  • ○Mayu Inamori, Yasuhiro Ikabata, Takeshi Yoshikawa, Hiromi Nakai, “Key factor of S0/S1 minimum energy conical intersection”, poster.
  • ○Nana Komoto, Takeshi Yoshikawa, Junichi Ono, Yoshifumi Nishimura, Hiromi Nakai, “Practical excited-state simulation of thousands of atoms”, poster.