“RAQET: Large‐Scale Two‐Component Relativistic Quantum Chemistry Program Package”
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We are excited to share that your research, published in Journal of Computational Chemistry, is among the top 10% most downloaded papers!
Dcdftbmd: Divide‐and‐Conquer Density Functional Tight‐Binding Program for Huge‐System Quantum Mechanical Molecular Dynamics Simulations
RAQET: Large‐scale two‐component relativistic quantum chemistry program package
What this means for you:
Among work published between January 2018 and December 2019, yours received some of the most downloads in the 12 months following online publication.
Your research generated immediate impact and helped to raise the visibility of Journal of Computational Chemistry.
Thank you for helping to grow our profile so that work like yours is more discoverable.
Best wishes,
Journal of Computational Chemistry