Nana Koumoto (M1) will receive the Society of Computer Chemistry, Japan (SCCJ) Scholarship Award at the Spring Meeting (2018).
Monthly Archives: April 2018
The 21th Theoretical chemistry symposium was held in Aichi
Our group member gave 2 oral presentations and 7 poster presentations at The 21th Theoretical chemistry symposium.
Date: May 15-17, 2018
Place: National Institutes of Natural Sciences Okazaki Conference Center
Organizer: Association of Theoretical Chemistry.
An international co-authored paper on DC-DFTB-MD simulation for BN nanocluster synthesis was published
An international co-authored paper on DC-DFTB-MD simulation for BN nanocluster synthesis was published in Chemical Science.
“Simulations of the synthesis of boron-nitride nanostructures in a hot, high pressure gas volume”
P. S. Krstic, L. Han, S. Irle, H. Nakai, Chemical Science, 9 (15), 3803-3819 (2018).
Takahiro Hirai won the Student Poster Prize at the 121st meeting of Catalysis society of Japan
Takahiro Hirai won the Student Poster Prize at the 121st meeting of Catalysis society of Japan.
Prof. Nakai gave an invited lecture at the 319th seminar of Department of Chemical System Engineering at the University of Tokyo.
Professor Nakai gave an invited lecture at the 319th seminar of Department of Chemical System Engineering at the University of Tokyo.
Date: 15:00-16:30, April 10, 2018
Place: 6C06-6C07, Building #3, Hongo Campus, The University of Tokyo
Organizer: Department of Chemical System Engineering at the University of Tokyo
Invited Lecture
- Hiromi Nakai, “Development of Large-System Chemical Reaction Simulation Method and Its Applications: Divide-and-Conquer Density-Functional Tight-Binding Molecular-Dynamics (DC-DFTB-MD) Method”, 2018/4/10 15:00-16:30.
A battery research proposed by Dr. Okoshi was adopted as Early-Career Scientists of Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (KAKENHI)
A battery research proposed by Dr. Okoshi was adopted as Early-Career Scientists of Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (KAKENHI).
A DFT research proposed by Dr. Ikabata was adopted as Early-Career Scientists of Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (KAKENHI)
A DFT research proposed by Dr. Ikabata was adopted as Early-Career Scientists of Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (KAKENHI).